Baikal Explorer - Travel to Sayan mountains - Shumak tours
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Travel to Sayan mountains / Shumak resort

Shumak is the natural spa-resort in Sayan mountains. The tour duration is 5 - 7 days and it is possible from June till September. The tour starts in a little village named Nilova Pustyn - similar to Arshan spring resort. An orthodox hermit named Nil was the first man who settled in a lonely forest and founded the base.

Distance:  Khoitogol - Shumak: 70 km
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The route runs through Khoitogol village, across Sayan mountains and overpasses Shumaksky peak - 2750 metres. Farther down, (1558 metres above the sea level), there is a Shumak valley. The distance between Khoitogol and Shumak is 70 km (44 ml). It takes two days and one night to get to Shumak by foot. It is possible as well to hire the horses or helicopter.
Travel to Sayan mountains - Shumak - map of the area

Shumak is the name of the river which source begins high in the Sayan mountains. Long time ago, Shumak was discovered by a Buryat hunter who followed the wounded bear.

The surrounding area is rich with medicinal herbs such as:

- Rhododendron adamsii
- Saggan-Dali ("White Wing")
- Djen-Shen

Shumak is called the valley of 100 springs. Over one hundred natural mineral springs cure and purify people's health. The springs are small dimples in the ground filled with water different in taste and temperature (10 - 35°C). The springs possess the best qualities of mineral waters from different resorts in Caucasus and Russia.

There are several mineral swimming pool-baths in the open air and one natural bath with leeches. People are very thankful about this place for its curative quality which is largely determined by the activity of micro-organisms. On the territory there are over 25 log cabins for accommodation, but very often in July and August Shumak is overcrowded.

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